Have a question or need a hand?
We provide quality support for all of our software.
To get support, call the office
(8am-5pm AWST, Monday-Friday):
To deliver support, we make use of the tool TeamViewer Quick Support.
If TeamViewer Quick Support isn't already on your workstation, please download TeamViewer Quick Support ↘
How we do support
If you ever need a hand, Logical Developments provides support for all of our software. To do so, we use TeamViewer to provide real-time, remote software support to our clients in conjunction with a phone-call.
TeamViewer shows us what you see on your computer, allowing us to guide our clients through their support call, which lets us give the quality support you're after.
What is TeamViewer?
TeamViewer is a tool that grants access to the Support team. They use this access to view the screen of the user. By seeing the user's screen, they can guide them through the issue they might be facing.
Logical Developments will always give support over the phone, and never access a client's computer without their permission!